Reviews (Author-wise) - A-E

(All jump links classified by first names of authors.) 

A - E F - K | L - Q | R - T | U - Z | Multiple Authors |

A | B | C | D | E | 


A. Lee Hughes

A.J. West

A.P. Firdaus
Remember, Mr Sharma - ★★★.¾

A.Y. Chan
The Legendary Mo Seto - ★★★★

Aakanksha Jain

Aanchal Malhotra

Aaron N. Hall
The Legend of Uh★★★★

Abby Jimenez

Abigail Osborne

Adam Hamdy
The Other Side of Night - ★★★★

Aditi Oza

Aditi Wardhan Singh
Aelth Faye

Agatha Christie

Agnes McIntyre
A Mixed Bag★★★.½

Ai Jiang
Linghun - ★★★★.¼

Aida Zilelian

Aiden Thomas
Celestial Monsters   - ★★★.¾

Aimee Pokwatka

Alan Gorevan
The Book Club Murders - ★★★★

Alan Moore
Illuminations - ★★

Alan Murrin
The Coast Road - ★★★★

Albert & Anna Choi 

Alex Evelyn

Alex Hay
The Housekeepers - ★★★.¼

Alex London

Alexandra Chang
Tomb Sweeping - ★★★.¼

Alexandre Dumas

Alice M. Ross
The Nowhere Thief - ★★★★

Alice Munro

Alicia D. Williams
Genesis Begins Again - ★★★★.¾

Alicia Fadgen
Clumsy Callie - ★★.½

Alison O'Leary

Alison Throckmorton

Alix E. Harrow
Starling House - ★★★

Allie Millington
Olivetti - ★★

Allison Grey

Allison Weiser Strou

Amal Karzai
My Key - ★★

Aman J. Bedi

Amanda Henke
Not a Book About Bunnies - ★★★★.½ 

Amanda Lovelace

Amanda Michelle Brown

Amanda Skenandore

Amélie Fléchais
The Little Red Wolf - ★★★★.¼

Amy Harmon

Amy Kimlat

Amy Lynn Green

Amy Tintera
Listen for the Lie - ★★★.½

Ana T. Drew

Andrea Coke

Andrea Denish
The Way We Say Hello - ★★★★

Andrea Hahnfeld
(The) Gift of Love - ★★★★

Andrés J. Colmenares
(A) Great Big Visual Hug - ★★★★.¼

Andrew Katz
A Starlit Trip to the Library - ★★★★.½

Andrew Larsen

Andrew Sean Greer

Andy Seed

Andy Shepherd

Andy Weir
Annie's Day - ★★★★.¼

Andy Zach

Angela Bell

Angela Elwell Hunt
The Chicken Who Loved Books - ★★★★.½

Angela Kecojevic
Scareground - ★★★

Angela Marsons

Angela McAllister
A Bedtime Full of Stories - ★★★★★
A Year Full of Stories - ★★★.¾

Angélica Lopes

Angie Kim

Angie Lucas
Rafa and the Wrong Legs - ★★★★.¾

Angie Spoto
The Grief Nurse - ★★★

Anita Sanchez

Anjali Sachdeva

Ankur Chaudhary

Ann Leckie

Ann Patchett

Ann Sei Lin

Anna Dowdall
The Suspension Bridge - ★★★.¾

Anna Edington
Stories from the Womb - ★★★.¾

Anna Finch

Anna James

Anna Johnston

Anna Lazowski
Dark Cloud - ★★★★.¼

Anna Maeve

Anna McGregor
Who's Afraid of the Light?  - ★★★★.¼

Anna Mazzola

Anna Weltman

Annalisa Crawford
(The) Boatman - ★★★★.½
Cat and The Dreamer - ★★★★.¼
One Tuesday, Early - ★★★★

Anne Booth

Anne Hunter
Baby Squeaks - ★★

Annie Rains

Anthony C. Delauney 

Anthony Doerr

Anthony Slayton

Anton Chekov

Anton Eine
Human Kind - ★★★★

Anu Misa

Anya Bergman
The Witches of Vardø  - ★★.½

Apple Gidley
Finding Serenissima★★.½


Arnold Bennett 

Arthur Conan Doyle with Julien Choy

Ashlee Vance

Ashley Elston
First Lie Wins - ★★★★

Ashley Poston

Atelier Sentô
Festival of Shadows - ★★★★

Audrey Blake

Axie Oh 


B.A. Bellec

Babu Devakinandan Khatri

Balesh Jindal

Baptiste Bouthier

Barbara Kingsolver
Demon Copperhead - ★★.½

Becky Snow
What I See In Me - ★★★★

Bee Waeland
Gretel and Hansel - ★★.¾

Beetashok Chatterjee

Beka Gremikova

Bella Osborne
The Library - ★★★.¾
The Promise of Summer - ★★★★.½

Ben Feller
Big Problems, Little Problems - ★★★★.¾

Ben Raterman
Speak to Me★★★

Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Bernadette Watts

Bernice L. McFadden

Beth Duke

Beth Evans

Beth Lewis
Children of the Sun - ★★★.½

Bethany Russo
The Devil Inside - ★★★

Bobby Palmer
Small Hours - ★★★.¾

Bonnie Grubman

Branwen OShea
Silence of the Song Trees - ★★★★

Bree Paulsen
(The) Firelight Apprentice - ★★★★.¼
Garlic and the Vampire - ★★★★.½
Garlic and the Witch - ★★★★.½
Patrik the Vampire - ★★★★.¼

Brenda Maier

Brenna Thummler
Delicates - ★★.½
Lights - ★★★.½
Sheets - ★★★★

Brian Bilston

Brian Freschi

Brie Turns

Britt Crow-Miller
World of Rot - ★★★★.¼

Brittany Long Olsen
The Happy Shop - ★★★.½

Brooke Beyfuss
Before You Found Me - ★★.¾

Brooke Harris

Brooke Knight
History Is Inventive - ★★★.¾

Brooke Skipstone

Bruce Harris

Byrd Nash


C.A. Lewis

C.G. Twiles

C.S. Robertson

C.T. Rwizi

Cai Tse
Lion Dancers - ★★★★

Caitlin Doughty
Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? - ★★★★.½

Candy Wellins
Mabel's Topsy-Turvy Homes - ★★★.¾

Callie Langridge
A Time to Change - ★★.½

Camille Hernández-Ramdwar
Suite as Sugar - ★★.½

Carlie Sorosiak

Carmen Maria Machado

Carmen Oliver
The Twilight Library - ★★★

Carol Dunbar

Carola Schmidt

Caroline George

Caroline L. Thornton
Once Upon and Ever After - ★★★★.¼

Caroline O'Donoghue
The Rachel Incident - ★★★.¾

Carolyn R. Russell

Caron Levis
Feathers Together - ★★★★★

Carrie A. Pearson
Virginia Wouldn't Slow Down! - ★★★★★

Carsten Henn

Cassie Veselovsky
Down on the Farm★★★★

Catana Chetwynd

Cath Staincliffe
The Fells - ★★★.½

Catherine Barr
The Tigers' Tale - ★★★.½

Catherine Cawthorne

Catherine Johnson

Catherine Pioli

Catherine Ryan Hyde
Dreaming of Flight - ★★★★.½
So Long, Chester Wheeler - ★★★.¼

Catriona Ward

Cay Fletcher

Cecile Biccari

Celeste Connally

Celine Keating

Chaitali Sen

Charles Dickens
David Copperfield - ★★★★.½
(A) Tale of Two Cities - ★★★.½

Charlie N. Holmberg
Boy of Chaotic Making - ★★★.¾
Heir of Uncertain Magic - ★★★★.¼
Keeper of Enchanted Rooms - ★★★★.½

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Charly Froh

Charmaine Wilkerson 
Deluge (A Short Story) - ★★★.½

Chas Newkey-Burden

Cheryl Strayed
This Telling (A Short Story) - ★★★★.¼

Chiang-Sheng Kuo
The Piano Tuner  - ★★★.½

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chimeka Garricks
A Broken People's Playlist - ★★★★.½

Chloe Timms

Chris Barton
Glitter Everywhere! - ★★★★★

Chris Hallbeck
Pebble and Wren - ★★★.¾

Chris MacDonald
The Actor - 

Chris Naylor-Ballesteros

Chris Whitaker

Chrissie Harrison
Floored - ★★★.½

Christi Nogle
Promise - ★★

Christiane Dorion
Built by Animals - ★★★★.¼

Christina B. Bianco
Dorothy Dustbucket - ★★★

Christina Baker Kline

Christina Collins
The Town with No Mirrors - ★★★.¾

Christina Dankert
The Kindness Machine - ★★★★.½

Christina Furnival
The Not-So-Friendly Friend - ★★★★.½

Christina Lauren

Christina Soontornvat

Christopher Francis

Christopher Green
Takeout Sushi - ★★★★

Christy Brown

Cindy L. Rodriguez 
Three Pockets Full - ★★★★.¼

Cintia Alfonso Fior
Moraline  - ★★★.¾

Claire Allan
In the Dark - ★★★★

Claire Cock-Starkey

Claire Oshetsky
Chouette - ★★★.¼
Poor Deer - ★★★★.¼

Claire Keegan
Small Things Like These - ★★★★.½

Claire Prentice
Doctor Ice Pick - ★★★.½

Clare Chambers
Shy Creatures★★★★.¼

Clare O'Dea

Clare Pooley
How to Age Disgracefully★★★.¼

Clare Whitfield
Poor Girls★★★.½

Clive Gifford
(The) Book of Time - ★★★★.½

Clyde Boyer
Girl Out of Time - ★★★★.¼

Colleen Alles

Colm Tóibín

Constance Lombardo
Itty Bitty Betty Blob - ★★★★★

Courtney Sender

Courtney Sheinmel

Cristina Henríquez
The Great Divide - ★★★★.¼


D. Holmes
David Smiles - 

D. Liebhart
Feral Creatures of Suburbia - ★★★★.½

Damyanti Biswas

Dan Bailes

Dan Yaccarino

Dani Atkins
The Memory of Us - ★★.½

Daniel Aleman
I Might Be in Trouble★★★.¾

Daniel Dockery

Daniel Morden
Strange Tales - ★★★.¾

Daniel Pinkwater

Daniel T. Dodaro
Death, the Gardener - ★★★.¾

Danielle Dufayet

Dannie Boyd
Fractured Oak - ★★★★.½

Danya Kukafka

Daphne du Maurier
Rebecca - ★★★★

Darlene Foster

Darren López
My Teacher Has Tattoos★★★★.¼

Dave Eggers
Soren's Seventh Song - ★★★★.¼

David M. Barnett
The Little Christmas Library★★★★.¼

David Bowles
Rise of the Halfling King - ★★★★.¼

David H. Keller

David Joy
Those We Thought We Knew - ★★★★.½

David R. Gillham
David Sedaris

David W. Miles

Davis Lane

Dawn Casey

Dawn Huebner

Deanna Chesley

Debbie Macomber
Twenty Wishes★★★★.½

Debbie Tung

Deborah Ellis
One More Mountain - ★★★★

Dee Ernst/Delaney Evers

Deepa Rajagopalan

Deepak M.R.

Delia Owens
Where the Crawdads Sing - ★★★.¼

Denise Alicea

Denny S. Bryce

Dev Kothari
Bringing Back Kay-Kay - ★★★.½


Diana Farid

Dianna Wilson-Sirkovsky
James' Reading Rescue - ★★★★★

Dime Sheppard

Divya Prakash Dubey
Ibnebatuti- ★★★★

Divyank J.

Dominic Lim
Karaoke Queen★★★★

Dominique Enright

Donna Tartt

Donna VanLière

Dora Wang
Pocket Peaches - ★★★.¼

Doug Gonterman

Douglas Stuart

Douglas Westerbeke

Dusty Bowling

Dylan Newton
Change of Plans - ★★★.½


Ed Young
An Immense World - ★★★★

Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven - ★★★★.¼

Edith Wharton
Xingu (A Short Story)  - ★★★★

Edward Brooke-Hitching 

Edward J. Boudreau Jr

Effua Gleed
The Princess and the Pee - ★★★★.½

Elaine Whiteford
The Rescue Sisters - ★★★.½

Elena Collins
(The) Wicked Lady - ★★★.¾

Eleni Kyriacou

Eli Burnstein

Elif Shafak

Elise Gravel
Join the Crow Crowd! - ★★★★.¼
King of the Birds★★★★.¼
New Kids in the Flock - ★★★★.½

Elizabeth Allison

Elizabeth Dale
Delightfully Different Dilly - ★★★★.¾

Elizabeth Laird

Elizabeth Maria Naranjo
What Was Never There - ★★★.¼

Elizabeth Wilder

Elle Cook 
The Man I Never Met - ★★★.¾

Elle Spellman

Ellen DeLange
Lissy’s Diary - ★★★.¾
(A) New Home for Fox - ★★★.½

Ellen Marie Wiseman

Ellie Meyer

Eloise Williams
The Curio Collectors - ★★★★

Emily Barth Isler
AfterMath - ★★★★.½
(The) Color of Sound - ★★★.¾

Emily Gunnis
The Girls Left Behind - ★★★.½

Emily Hawkins

Emily J. Taylor
(The) Otherwhere Post - ★★★.¾

Emily Norris
My First Piano Lessons - ★★★★

Emily Satoko Seo
The Perfect Sushi - ★★★★★

Emma Cooper

Emma Davis

Emma Donoghue
Room - ★★★.½

Emma Steele
The Echoes of Us - ★★

Emma Ward
Doris' Dear Delinquents - ★★★.¾

Eoin Colfer
Beanie the Bansheenie★★★.¾

Eowyn Ivey
Black Woods, Blue Sky★★★★.¼

Ephiny Gale
Pick Your Potion - ★★★.¾

Eric Huang

Erica George

Erich Segal
Oliver's Story★★

Erin Litteken

Erin Spencer
The Incredible Octopus - ★★★★.½

Erin Stewart

Ernest Hemingway

Esther Van Den Berg
Hop at Swimming Class - ★★★★★

Etaf Rum
(A) Woman Is No Man - ★★★.½

Ethan Joella
(The) Same Bright Stars - ★★★★.¼
(A)  Quiet Life - ★★★.¾

Eva Jurczyk

Eveline Hasler
A Tale of Two Brothers★★★★.½

Evelyn Arvey

Evie Gaughan/Evie Woods
(The) Lost Bookshop - ★★★.½


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