These Alien Skies - C.T. Rwizi - ★★★★.¼

AUTHOR: C.T. Rwizi
SERIES: Black Stars, #4
GENRE: Science Fiction.
RATING: 4.25 stars.
In a Nutshell: An interesting futuristic Afro sci-fi short story. Great themes, intriguing characters, stunning ending. Enjoyed this.
Story Synopsis:
Msizi, along with his co-pilot Tariro, is testing a new wormhole that supposedly leads to a potentially habitable planet. However, an explosion destroys the wormhole and forces them to land on a planet called Malcolm X-b. With no way of communicating with their home planet, Msizi wonders why their new locale seem familiar and how they can use local resources, if any, to return home.
The story comes to us in the first person perspective of Msizi.
This standalone story is a part of ‘Black Stars’, described by Amazon as ‘a multi-dimensional collection of speculative fiction from Black authors. Each story is a world much like our own.’
There were plenty of things I loved about this story that gave me strong Wakanda vibes. The Afrofuturism experience is built upon fabulously through the characters as well as the setting and the tech.
Msizi makes for an interesting lead character. It is easy to see that there’s something he is struggling with, so his emotions bely his inner turmoil. Honestly, it wasn’t that difficult to guess why he was struggling, but I was still curious to know the hows of the matter.
Though a scifi story in essence, the heart of the story is all about respect, whether for your peers or for the planet. I loved the way this idea was explored through the various interactions in the story. The ending of the story further elevated the concept of oneness with the planet, giving this 25 page story a beautiful finish.
The only negative? If you have watched some popular Hollywood movies, you will easily be able to see where things are going. There’s a bit of Black Panther, a bit of Avatar, and a couple of other movies whose names will be major spoilers.
Regardless, despite the mild feeling of déjà vu, I enjoyed this story. Of the three stories I have read so far from this collection (the other two being ‘The Visit’ and ‘The Black Pages’), this one is a clear favourite. Now to see how the rest of the stories perform.
Recommended to short story lovers looking for a sci-fi story that focusses not just on the tech stuff but also on the human experience.
This standalone work is the fourth story in the “Black Stars” collection, and is currently available free to Amazon Prime subscribers.
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