Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs? - Caitlin Doughty - ★★★★.½

AUTHOR: Caitlin Doughty
GENRE: Nonfiction
PUBLICATION DATE: September 10, 2019
RATING: 4.5 stars.

If anything about Death intrigues you, or if you have any queries about cremations or decomposition or funny doubts about what happens if an astronaut dies in space or if you die when you are eating or how corpses smell, this is the book for you!

A beautifully enlightening book replete with great examples and tongue-in-cheek humour, it deserves an audience. Caitlin Doughty, the author, is a mortician in real life and she puts her experience and knowledge to good use. As she says in the introduction, "We can’t make death fun, but we can make learning about death fun. Death is science and history, art and literature. It bridges every culture and unites the whole of humanity."

I never thought I'd enjoy any book about such a morbid topic so much.

Just in case the title makes you squeamish, keep in mind the tagline: "big questions from tiny mortals.' The entire book is in Q&A format, with the author answering questions actually put to her by children. The questions are varied; the answers are always genuine with the perfect touch of humour to relax children and satisfy their curiosity.


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