Drawing The Line: No Ladies in Room A3 - Clare Scopes
AUTHOR: Clare Scopes GENRE: Historical Fiction RATING: 2 stars. In a Nutshell: Could have been outstanding. Ended up as an okay read. The plot was interesting. The writing needs work. Story Synopsis: Twenty-seven-year-old Maggie Goodwin has moved from NY to California to become an animator. However, as the owner of the established Harley Studios tells her, she can’t be an animator because “there are no lady animators’. Starting off instead in the Paint & Ink division, Maggie continues working on her pet project – an animated squirrel cartoon – in her free time. However, when working conditions at the studio start worsening, Maggie is forced to make a choice between her dreams and her friends. Should she stay silent for her career, or should she stand up for what’s right? The story comes to us in the limited third person perspective of Maggie. As you can see from the synopsis, the concept is brilliant. I wanted to read more about the struggles of a woman animator in a man’s world. I...