The Selfish Giant - Oscar Wilde - ★★★★★

AUTHOR: Oscar Wilde
GENRE: Short Story
PUBLICATION DATE: January 1, 1888
RATING: 5 selfless stars.
One of my all-time favourite short stories! You can't go wrong with Oscar Wilde; he's the master of short fiction for a reason. :)
A review by my GR friend Federico prompted me to go down memory lane. He called this work 'Pure Perfection', and I heartily agree.
I had first come across this story when I was in school. It was one of the "chapters" in my English textbook, maybe in grade 3 or 4. I never knew then who Oscar Wilde was, but I remember the sheer impact this little story had on me. Haven't forgotten it since, and have read it multiple times over. It is right up there, along with 'The Nightingale And The Rose' as my favourite Wilde work.
Pick it up when you want something beautifully serene. Wilde wrote this story for children, but its impact transcends the target age group. Do read.
This story is in the public domain, so you can read it from any online site for free. Here's one link:
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