A Hug and a Kiss is Every Baby's Bliss - Melissa Winn & Pedro Gutiérrez

Authors: Melissa Winn & Pedro Gutiérrez
Illustrator: Valery Matvienko
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Rating: 3.75 stars.
A sweet little book with amazing illustrations.
The content shows the various ways by which parents demonstrate their love for their kids. This is depicted through a variety of animal parents with their young ones. The animals are quite diverse, ranging from an iguana to a tortoise to a dolphin to a bear to the toucan on the cover. Their methods of showing their love also differs greatly, tickling their little one’s tummy, cooking their favourite dish, caressing them in bed, or simply spending some time next to them.
I love the thought behind the book. Love indeed can be shown in various ways and this communication needn’t be verbal. I remember reading ‘The Five Love Languages”, which so beautifully explained how each of us has a specific love language and what works for one may not work for another. This book takes that same principle and demonstrates to its young readers how there could so many different ways by which their parents show them their love.
As good as the intent is, the content could have done with some fine-tuning. The text is written in rhythmic prose, with most rhymes in the three-liners following the ABA pattern. The rhymes are average; sometimes they work wonderfully, sometimes, they feel forced. I would have loved the book better had the text been in simple prose without the rhymes. It is because of the forced attempt to get the words to rhyme that the result became slightly messy.
The best part of the book would be the illustrations. They are adorable! All the animal family are drawn in a really cute way that is bound to keep little readers happy.
Overall, definitely a good indie attempt. The illustrations and the brilliant thought behind the book make up for the above average text, Do try.
The book is available on Kindle Unlimited.
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