Stanley and the Magic Spider - Pete Jirles

Author: Pete Jirles

Genre: Children's Picture book.
Rating: 4.5 stars.

A sweet story about a dragon who thinks he is a dog! I grabbed this book through a free deal from the publishers, and what a treat it was!

When Stanley lands at Ms. Peckinpaw’s doorstep, the farsighted woman adopts him thinking he is a dog. Thus Stanley too lives his life under that assumption, all the time wondering why he doesn’t fit in with the other dogs. Needless to say, he is shunned and left out of their activities. All Stanley has is his stuffed monkey, Anderson, for company. The day Stanley meets the magic spider is the day he discovers the magic hidden within himself.

I loved the cuteness in the story. Stanley and Anderson are really adorable together and Stanley’s dedication to his stuffed pal is touching.

The book isn’t just fluff. It covers several themes such as feeling left out, bullying, being teased, being lonely, and most importantly, believing in yourself. My favourite line was “Don't try to fit in when you can stand out!” What a wonderful thought for kids! The story highlights the value of having one true best friend than numerous “friends” who may not even mean well.

The illustrations work perfectly for the story.

Definitely recommended. I am sure kids will love this. Suitable for ages 2-8.

4.5 stars.

The book is available on KU.


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