Jeremy's Big Role - Matthew Silvestri

Author: Matthew Silvestri

Genre: Children's Picture Book
Rating: 4.5 stars.

A fabulous book about a child who stutters and how he handles it with the help of his “wolf pack”.

Jeremy is a little guy who desperately wants to play the Big Bad Wolf in an upcoming school production of “Three Little Pigs”. Because he stutters, he is initially hesitant to volunteer for the role but soon decides to go for it. His teacher, his friends and his parents are all supportive, even when Jeremy can’t utter the “Puff” of the famous “I’ll huff and I’ll puff…” line. What will happen on the big day? Read and find out. (Okay, it’s a children’s book, so you already know what will happen. But still, read it!)

This book is written in partnership with a paediatric speech language pathologist, and how it shows! The content is so positive and so practical. There’s no exaggeration, no fake sympathy, no miraculous cures. It is all about confidence and cooperation. I simply loved this honest and straightforward approach.

The pragmatic nature of the writing also means that this book isn’t only a confidence booster for kids who stutter, but also a supporting guide to those around them so that they understand how they can help such children without being either patronising or insulting.

The only issue for me was that there is no negative attitude shown. There are no jerks in Jeremy’s class who laugh at him when he stutters, there are no impatient adults who interrupt him... The content might just be a bit too good to be true. But sometimes, keeping things simple helps, so I get why the authors have skirted around the bullying that stutterers face.

At the end of the book is a note from the authors about what stuttering entails, some of the myths about this communication disorder, and tips for communication partners of all ages. This content is pure gold!

What is a great children’s picture book without great illustrations? This book doesn’t fail on that count too. Every page is so beautifully sketched and coloured. The child characters are a treat with their bright eyes and chubby cheeks. More importantly, the illustrations are inclusive as well. Imagine my surprise when, on a page that mentions Jeremy practising before his parents, I saw his two moms than the more common mom and dad! And this isn’t needlessly stressed upon in the content. The line just mentions “parents” and the illustration casually shows the two women. Loved it!!!

Heartily recommended to every home, school and library. Don’t miss out on this gem that combines entertainment and information. A much-needed book, indeed. Will suit readers aged 4-8 years.

4.5 enthusiastic wolfish Awooooooo-s to this amazing little book.

My thanks to Baker & Taylor, Paw Prints Publishing, and NetGalley for the DRC of “Jeremy's Big Role”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.


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