The Global Ocean - Rochelle Strauss - ★★★★.¼

AUTHOR: Rochelle Strauss
ILLUSTRATOR: Natasha Donovan
GENRE: Children's Picture Book.
RATING: 4.25 stars.
An informative book about the global ocean, its importance, the danger it is in because of human activities, and what we can do to help rectify the issue at least to some extent.
We learn the names of the oceans in school but hardly anyone focusses on the fact that all the oceans are connected to each other. This is what is called “the global ocean”. The oceanic currents across these massive water bodies influence climate and have a huge role to play if we have to stop global warming.
This book covers all the essentials to this purpose. It covers the expected topics such as plastic pollution as well as possibly new topics to children such as acidification. It also provides a lot of real life examples to elaborate on the topic. Notable mentions include the infamous “Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ and the rubber ducks that have travelled all across the world by now. The book ends with several practical action points that children and adults can take to reduce their carbon footprint and thereby give the oceans a chance to revive.
Every page has wonderful illustrations, and wherever there are humans, there is diverse representation.
I think this would be ideal for older children as there is a lot of text per page and the content isn’t too easy for younger minds. For the 10+ age group, this book is a must.
Definitely recommended to schools, libraries and even those homes that are trying to increase awareness and make a change in their daily habits to save the planet.
My thanks to Kids Can Press and NetGalley for the DRC of “The Global Ocean”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.
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