Cats Cats Cats - Stephane Lapuss and Philippe Larbier

Author-Illustrators: Stephane Lapuss and Philippe Larbier
Genre: Sequential Art, Humour, Animals.
Rating: 4 stars.
When the author’s name is ‘Lapuss’, it is kind of ironic to see that their first graphic novel is titled “Cats Cats Cats”. It was just meant to happen, wasn’t it? Serendipity at work. π
Anyhoo, back to the book.
This is a graphic novel about…. You guessed it… cats! There are no words or dialogues except for the various Meows peppered throughout the book. Each page has a comic strip, generally of eight panels, and depicts a typical day as a cat or as a cat-parent.
The novel goes by fairly quickly as there is no text to process. Many of the strips are hilarious, but after a point, they become a tad repetitive. Some caused me to burst out laughing, some made me go “yuck!”, and some just elicited a sigh – all common emotions if you are a cat parent. The comics are very silly and yet very relatable.
On an aside, I didn’t like the way the female cat owners were drawn in the book. Most of them were drawn overly curvy. (Also, who wears high heels and teeny skirts at home?). The men were more regular and varied in size from potbellied to lanky. Could we please have better, more accurate, a more normalised female representation in graphic novels too? It is irritating to see a sexualised version of the female body no matter what we read.
Recommended for cat lovers and cat owners, though other pet parents will also get a laugh from this book.
4 stars.
My thanks to Diamond Book Distributors, Magnetic Press, and NetGalley for the DRC of “Cats Cats Cats!” This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.
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