Penguins Don't Wear Pink - Jeffrey Turner - ★★★★

GENRE: Children's Picture Book
PUBLICATION DATE: August 9, 2022
RATING: 4 stars.
A sweet little story for beginner readers.
Henry the penguin loves all things pink – his pink bicycle, his pink lemonade… But his favourite pink object is his pink hat, which he wears to school every day. When the other animals start teasing him for wearing pink, Harry decides to wear a hat of any other colour. To his surprise, no colour generates any antagonistic response as much as pink does. What do you think – will Harry wear the other colours to avoid being picked upon, or will be go back to pink with a vengeance? You know the answer.
The book is aimed at beginner readers so it is not text intensive. Each page has barely a couple of sentences in easy-to-read language. The moral is quite subtle and parental guidance will be required to make kids understand the bias the other animals have about pink.
The illustrations are vibrant and as the pages too are in pastel hues, the black text stands out clearly in contrast.
All in all, it suits its target reader segment perfectly but will be too simplistic for children in upper reading levels.
My thanks to Beaming Books and Edelweiss+ for the DRC of “Penguins Don't Wear Pink”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.
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