Where's My Joey? - Wendy Monica Winter - ★★★★

AUTHOR: Wendy Monica Winter
ILLUSTRATOR: Roxana Chitanu
GENRE: Children's Picture Book.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 11, 2021
RATING: 4 stars.

A cute book that can be used to introduce many exotic Australian animals to kids.

Mamma Kangaroo can't find her little Joey and searches everywhere she can think of for her little one. In the process, she meets many animals native to her Australian land. But she forgets to search one important place. Can you guess which it is?

The illustrations are amazing. I couldn't believe that the artist is self-taught. It was brilliant work!

The language is very simple and the book can be easily used for read-alouds at home or in school.

All in all, a sweet book with plenty of lovely animals and vivid sketches. Definitely recommend to little animal lovers.

The book is free on KU.


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