The Case Of Longti Village - Sentilong Ozukum

AUTHOR: Sentilong Ozukum
GENRE: Horror.
RATING: 2 stars.
Just my luck! I thought I was reading a thriller and this turned out to be a B-grade horror, what with demonic possession and exorcism and a weird mishmash of science vs. supernatural.
The book was written in the first person pov of someone called Dr Abha. I thought this was a female narrator as Abha is a common female Indian name. But at the 40% mark, Dr Abha was revealed to be a "man of science." So the only unique thing about the book, a horror story having a strong female voice of reason, also turned out to be stereotypical.
Not worth it. But it's only about 100 pages long. So at least it didn't waste much of my time.
The book is available on KU India, but I don't think I'm recommending it. The only reason to go for it would be to support an indie author from the neglected North-Eastern part of the country. (Sentilong Ozukum is from Nagaland, and that's the only reason I picked this book up.)
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