Aye-Aye Gets Lucky - Terri Tatchell - ★★★★.¼

AUTHOR: Terri Tatchell
SERIES: Endangered and Misunderstood Animals, #1
GENRE: Children's Picture Book
RATING: 4.25 stars.

After I chanced upon the third book of the “Endangered and Misunderstood Animals” series—a book named Okapi Loves His Zebra Pants, I was so impressed that I immediately searched for the other two books. Luckily, both of them are on KU and this made my pocket happier.

This is the first book of the series. (The second book was Adventures of a Pangopup.)

Aye-aye the lemur is a happy soul who delights in playing pranks on the people of the nearby village. The result is that he gets banned from entering the village. As a result, he is heartbroken. Luckily for him, he meets a new friend, a flying fox, who shows him the error of his ways. Aye-aye learns that pranks can’t be fun if they result in fun only for him and trouble for the others. He understands with the help of his new friend that being kind and helpful is a much better way to be, and with this change in attitude, he regains access to his favourite location.

This story, while the weakest of the trilogy, is still quite heartfelt. The lesson that the book tries to propagate is very important as children are rarely able to understand how their pranks might hurt others’ feelings.

The content is written in rhythmic prose that works wonderfully without feeling forced. There are at least two quatrains of verse on every single page, so though this is a typical 32 page picture book, it feels like it has much more content.

The illustrations are fabulous, as is evident in the other two books too. Children will surely find the book a visual treat. There are some fun facts about lemurs and flying foxes at the end and also some tips on how you can help endangered animals.

This is perfect for read-alouds at home and school. Heartily recommended.

If you are looking for one more compelling reason to buy this gem, note that all proceeds from the sale of this book will go into the conservation of lemurs and other endangered creatures that are mentioned in this series.

Courtesy the author, there are free activity sheets, animal facts and resources for parents and teachers on www.endangeredand misunderstood.com. Check it out.

In case you are interested in this amazing series, here are the other four books in order, though they are all standalone titles.

When I had read them, each of these titles were available on KU. 


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