Anne of Green Gables - L.M. Montgomery - ★★★★.¼

AUTHOR: L.M. Montgomery
SERIES: Anne of Green Gables, #1
GENRE: Young Adult, Classic.
PUBLICATION DATE: January 1, 1908
RATING: 4.25 stars.

Some of you might remember the "Maria" song from The Sound of Music. It is a lovely song describing a girl who is full of contradictions. Just see these particular lines from the lyrics:
"She is gentle! She is wild! She's a riddle! She's a child!
She's a headache! She's an angel! She's a girl!"

This is perfect not just for the orphan Maria but also for the lovely little orphan we meet in Anne of Green Gables.

Anne starts off as a typically atypical child. She's an orphan and has faced hardships like not many of her age have. And yet, she hasn't let go of her childhood innocence, exuberance and curiosity. Fate contrives to put her under the care of Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert (who are siblings, not spouses) in Green Gables. Marilla, who initially does not want a girl orphan for very practical reasons, slowly finds herself won over by the natural charm & idiosyncrasies of the talkative little redhead in her home.

The story finds Anne changing from a sloppy and dreamy girl to a responsible & caring young woman. Her precocious intelligence helps her to perform exceedingly well in school, but more than that, her vivid imagination helps her make the best of even those things that most of us wouldn't even look at twice such as trees and streams and roads!

The value of family, friends, teachers and even of love, care and a listening ear shines throughout the book. You actually see how Anne blossoms under the guidance and affection of Marilla and Matthew, in spite of their different parenting styles.

This is supposed to be a children's classic but I think it would be better for older children of Anne's age, who are able to comprehend that not everything Anne does is to be imitated. (Sorry, but that's the mom in me speaking! She does do some pretty silly things!) Of course, the book is also perfect for adult readers who are still childlike in their preferences! 😜

Anne of Green Gables is an eight book series. This first book takes you through Anne's life from her orphan years to her years in Green Gables, in school, in the teachers' college in town and back home at Green Gables. The book is complete in itself but by the time you reach the end, you are in love with Anne and hence can't wait to get your hands on the next book. And thus I now take your leave for Anne of Avonlea!


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